
Customer Plant Visit – M/s. Basis of Engineering Solutions, Iraq

August 16, 2017

We are delighted that representatives from M/s. Basis of Engineering Solutions, Iraq visited our Sharjah, DIC and RAK operations from 1st to 3rd August 2017 to see for themselves how we provide the consistent quality of CONMIX products.

The main objective of the visit was to promote customer awareness of how our various activities related to production, quality control and quality assurance are carried out in the company.

“It was amazing to see the stuff I’ve read about in the technical datasheets, actually walk on the factory floor and interact with the people at the facility.” Ms. Riam Mohammad, Sales Manager of BES said. “It’s through this experience that I’ve learned the most from, because what I have just witnessed has enhanced every knowledge that I had. The plant visit gave me a whole new perspective.”

We appreciate Team BES for taking the time to visit our operations and subsequently share their observations.

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