

Effective Activities To Improve Communication Skills In Kids In Dubai & Sharjah

Are you searching for ways to improve communication skills in your little ones?

Wondering what kind of communication activities to start from?

We’ve got your back!

Have you ever seen a kid nowadays without an electronic device in their hands? Our world is basically going through a communication crisis. Kids spend excessive time on electronic gadgets, and as a result, they lose their ability to convey their needs.

As parents, you need to understand the importance of strengthening communication skills in kids of all ages today that can benefit future generations, preserving the value of verbal communication in a society rich with digital alternatives.

So here comes the vital question: What can be necessarily done to help our kids?

In this blog, we’ve come up with a set of activities that are proven to improve communication skills in kids and help them understand the value of self-expression and face-to-face interactions

The Positive Impact Of Communication Activities On Kids

In the early stages, you must water a little plant. It will absorb water through its roots as it grows.
Likewise, childhood is a period of learning. Essentially, this is when a person acquires most of their characteristics, values, and socialization abilities.

Immature communication abilities have serious psychological consequences. Alternatively, better communication skills result in an improved quality of life. 

In Dubai & Sharjah, there are proven fun activities that can be used to improve communication skills in kids. They also form the foundation for the growth of crucial future-ready skills and talents.

Here’s a list of some of the vital developmental skills that kids acquire through communication activities:

  • A clear understanding and better learning
  • Nurtures listening skills
  • Improves social and emotional development
  • Develops conversational skills
  • Builds empathy and observational skills


Effective Activities To Improve Communication Skills In Kids

Effective Activities To Improve Communication Skills In Kids


This game evaluates and enhances the child's communication skills at an advanced level. Students can participate in the role-playing activity in the following way:

  • Split the kids into pairs and assign them to play the roles of random people such as teachers or parents.
  • Ask about their responsibilities.
  • Give them scenarios to see how they'd react and communicate in certain situations.
  • Assess their language, gestures, and level of confidence.


Point & Tell

This engaging activity may assist your child to improve his or her verbal communication skills. In the game, you must give your child a random object on which they must talk five to six lines. The item could be anything simple, such as his or her favorite clothing, bag, or umbrella. Your youngster will communicate feelings/thoughts that will build their confidence and boost their vocabulary, grammar, and fluency while discussing the issue. This activity also aids in the practice of proper word pronunciation and language skills.

Storytelling through pictures

Children enjoy listening to stories, and now it is their chance to tell one. Picture storytelling is a fun activity in which your child must describe a story based on photos presented to him or her. This activity encourages your youngster to process visual signals and then speak using the received information. To complete this, the youngster must arrange the photos in the order/logical order in which he or she wants to tell the story. This exercise will support your kid in developing their creative communication skills.

Jotting down & pointing directions

This is one of the most effective communication activities for kids that help them strengthen their non-verbal communication abilities, such as writing. 

This game will teach your child the importance of precise communication needs for navigation. In this activity, you will:

  • Ask your child to write down the location of a nearby mall or store.
  • Begin a journey with your child to the location, following the directions.
  • Along the way, explain to your kid how he or she may have presented the instructions more effectively.
  • For example, you may instruct them on how to identify landmarks to help them find their way, or you could pick lane numbers while emphasizing left and right turns.


Blindfold Game

This activity is a great method to boost your child’s listening and understanding skills. Four to five children are required to play. One child is blindfolded while the others are given an object. Except for the child who has been blinded, all the children will now explain a feature of the item in turn. The blindfolded child must guess the item based on the verbal description. If more clues are needed, the blindfolded child could ask questions. This exercise will improve communication skills in kids and make them socially engaged and active during conversations.

On-The-Spot Speech Practice

Spontaneous speech practice is an excellent way to improve your child's communication skills, particularly unscripted. To start a game, make some interesting chits and ask your youngster to pick one and give a two to three-minute speech on it.

Since the activity is improvised, your child will gain practical experience in thinking, expressing, and accurately presenting various ideas and thoughts. Put a time limit for speech to raise the game's complexity.

 Overall, this activity has the potential to be a useful tool for language development and a potential improvement in communication skills

If you’re searching for top-class educational facilities that necessarily nurture communication skills in kids, American School Of Creative Science (ASCS) offers a stimulating learning environment and strong teaching standards that make communication activities fun and engaging. 

Learn more about our academic facilities here.

Teaching children excellent communication skills leads to higher levels of emotional intelligence, higher marks, lesser occurrences of bullying, and general mental well-being. 

The above-listed communication activities are carefully hand-picked to give you a better understanding of how building communication skills in children can contribute to their self-expression and career development.

American School Of Creative Science (ASCS) promotes the best educational standards and teaching strategies to ensure children find learning interesting while embracing a holistic American curriculum that undeniably encourages building communication skills in students.

Explore more about ASCS here. 

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